Allotment Pop-up Cafe
Saturday 25th February saw our first pop up cafe at Wilson Memorial Church with soup made from home grown allotment produce by The Real Junk Food Project, bread donated by Breadshare and home made chutneys and cakes. We served soup to 120 people from the local area and collected £253.60 in donations for our local Basics Bank.
It was an opportunity for people to hear about our plans for the allotments and to get involved and share ideas. Great attendance, great atmosphere, great ideas!
Thank you to everyone who came along and to all the helpers.
For those who said they liked the Pop-up Cafe music playlist, you can listen to it on Spotify here:
Freshly harvested veg
Things are hotting up in the kitchen
The first few arrivals
Filling up...
Standing room only
Great interest and feedback from the local community